City of Sun Prairie
Help remove invasive plants in city parks! Training, identification, and tools provided. If interested as an individual or a group - sign up and Cindy, Parks & Forestry Director, will work with you on identifying parks and species and when the best time to remove them is! This could be self-directed, or separate work day events with staff or community partner instruction and assistance. Generally, we need help pulling Garlic Mustard and Dame's Rocket in the spring (April and May) and also removing woody shrubs like buckthorn and honeysuckle in fall and winter months (November - March). UPCOMING GROUP EVENTS: -Saturday, November 16 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at Shonas Highlands Park -Saturday, December 14 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at Smith's Park (**note change to Smith's Crossing Park, meet at Creekside Elementary School parking lot adjacent to park)
Sun Prairie Park Friends
remove invasive plant species from city parks
Cindy Burtley,